Tyre inflation is undoubtedly a key element in ensuring tyre longevity. The pressure recommended by the manufacturers is different for each vehicle and must be scrupulously respected for your safety. But did you know that to reach the right pressure level, your tyres can be inflated with either air or nitrogen ?
What is nitrogen inflation? Why use nitrogen? Our professionals will explain the advantages and disadvantages.
When driving, the friction of the tyre with the road will cause a rise in temperature. The temperature differences can vary from 0 to 60°C for normal use or much more depending on the driving style if it is subjected to more stress, for example during intensive braking. In the winter season, these temperature differences can become even more pronounced. However, tyre pressure varies according to tyre temperature and it is here that nitrogen has slightly more advantageous characteristics than air.
Nitrogen, thanks to its molecules that are larger than those of air, will escape less quickly through the permeable walls of the tyre and remains more stable against temperature variations. It will therefore help to keep a constant pressure level for longer. By avoiding the dangers of under- or over-inflation, nitrogen ensures better rolling resistance and therefore reduces your fuel consumption, while protecting the tyre from premature wear.
Air is also composed of oxygen. The presence of the latter, combined with the moisture that can form inside the tyre, creates a risk of oxidation that can damage the rims. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is pure and does not contain any oxygen: the risk of rust forming on your rims is therefore totally eliminated. However, such a stage of oxidation is rarely reached if you use your vehicle regularly. Nitrogen can therefore be an advantage if you drive very occasionally, or if your tyres need to be stored.
Finally, be aware that following a leak or a puncture, a tyre inflated with nitrogen may exceptionally be inflated with air. There is no danger in mixing these two elements; moreover, air is naturally composed of 78% nitrogen. However, the advantages of nitrogen inflation are only beneficial if 95% of the nitrogen is present in the tyre (the remaining 5% is air, necessarily present in small quantities during inflation handling). It is therefore better to choose one or the other of these two options.
So nitrogen versus air, what's the best choice? For our Tyreplus experts, it's not only the way you use your vehicle, but also how often you check your pressure that will determine your choice.
Nitrogen inflation is widely used in the world of motor racing and aviation and is also recommended for trucks. However, if you choose to inflate with nitrogen, it is imperative that you go to a professional who will have the appropriate equipment.